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Library Homepage: Linking to Library Resources in Canvas

The WCTC Library serves the students, faculty, staff, and residents of the Waukesha County Technical College district.

The web addresses of our WCTC databases are often temporary. Therefore, if you link to the normal web address of a specific article, the link may work for some time, but then unexpectedly become invalid. To circumvent this issue, a number of the databases offer permanent and direct links. Our library also uses an EZproxy web address system that, if added to the beginning of a web address, will recognize your affiliation with the college. With the combination of direct links and a web address that starts with our EZproxy address you can link to an article and have permanent access on and off campus. Below is a guide of how to create these permanent EZproxy links for our databases.

Some databases, such as those from Films on Demand and ProQuest, have the option to add the links directly in Canvas. When adding an assignment in Canvas click on the tools section and then click on the button that looks like a plug to search and add content from Films on Demand or ProQuest. 

ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry (ProQuest)

Offers direct links. Click on article title to view article information. Click on the Details tab. Then find Document URL about ¾ of the way down the page. Copy and paste.

Proquest article details screen with link


Access World News

Offers direct links. In the search results, click on the article title. On the article page, click on the blue link icon in the top right corner of the page. Click on the blue COPY button. After pasting the link, add WCTC’s EZproxy url to the front:

Newsbank access link


Business Insights: Essentials

Offers direct links. Click on the Share icon on the upper right of the article page. Under View Bookmark highlight and copy the web address given.

Gale Cengage Business insights share link

Chronicle of Higher Education

No direct link option offered.  Add the EZproxy address to the beginning of the web address for off campus access:


No direct link option offered, but according to their website “all links with the exception of the following are persistent: CountryWire articles, Search Engine results.” Add the EZproxy address to the beginning of the web address for off campus access:

Criminal Justice (ProQuest)

Offers direct links. Open article page and click on the Details tab. Scroll down the page until you find the Document URL. Copy and paste the link.

Proquest article details screen with link

EBSCO databases

Offers direct links. On the search results page, click on the title of the article to enter the detailed records page. On the right side of the page is a listing of Tools. Click on the Permalink button. Highlight and copy the Permalink web address that appears.

Ebsco permalink button and screen


WCTC’s EZproxy address will be at the beginning of the direct link, which will look like this:

Films on Demand

Offers direct links. Open the page of the video you want. Click on Share directly below the video screen. Click on Embed/Link and it will show the Record URL which you can copy.

Health and Medicine

Offers direct links. On the article page, click on Get Link in the upper right corner.

Gale Cengage Onefile health get link button

Copy and paste the url and add the EZproxy address to the beginning of the url:

Gale cengage onefile health and medicine get link screen

Link will look similar to this: id=HRCA&xid=78b2c42f

Issues & Controversies

Offers direct links. Open article and scroll to bottom to find the Record URL. Highlight the URL and copy the link.

Record URL


Offers direct links. Look for the link under the Share This Article section.

Copy and paste the url and add the EZproxy address to the beginning of the url:

The complete link will look something like this:

Nexis Uni

Offers direct links. In the search results, click on the article title to open the document. To the right of the document title, click on the links icon. A new box will pop up with a link. Right click the link and Copy. 

Opposing Viewpoints 

Offers direct links. Open the article and click on Get Link in the upper right corner. Copy and paste the url and add the EZproxy address to the beginning of the url:

Gale Cengage opposing viewpoints get link screen

Ovid Nursing

Offers direct links. Click on the article title. In the upper left corner of the article, click on Email Jumpstart. Highlight and copy the Jumpstart URL. 

Ovid link email jumpstart

Reference Solutions

No direct link option offered. Normal web address quickly becomes invalid.

SIRS (ProQuest)

Most of the article addresses (on the top of the page) should be permanent. Add WCTC’s EZproxy url to the beginning of the web address for off campus access: