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Career Connections: Artificial Intelligence & Your Career

What is Aritificial Intelligence (AI)?

ChatGPT is a prominent generative AI tool that offers responses to prompts and questions inputted by users where, in most cases, answers are given in real time. It can be a helpful tool in a number of aspects of your career. See below for examples of some of the ways you can use it. Please keep in mind that it should be used with care - especially in resume and cover letter writing. Review any AI-generated content thoroughly to ensure it is an accurate depiction of your skills and experience as you will have to speak to this in an interview.

Using AI to Support Your Job Search

The University of California Irvine put together an information and resource page to help people understand different ways Chat GPT can be used to help with:

  • Resume and Cover Letter Writing
  • Job Interview Preparation
  • Career Exploration

- ChatGPT, AI, and the Job Search from UC Irvine Division of Career Pathways

Be sure to review any AI-generated material for accuracy, authenticity, and to ensure proper context. If you are a WCTC student or graduate, you can have your resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile reviewed by a Career Specialist - schedule here!

What is Aritificial Intelligence (AI)?

Keep in mind: Perception and understanding of AI as a whole, as well as within the context of job searching and career development, are still evolving. If you use AI, do so with care and diligence. Do your research. Put ideas in your own words.

Source: MatchBuilt

AI Resources

Using Chat GPT for Resume and Cover Letter Writing

- Should You Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume? (How-to, Pros, Cons)

- Cover Letter Writing

Chat GPT for Job Interview Preparation

- How to Use ChatGPT to Prepare for a Job Interview

- Seven Ways ChatGPT Can Help Job Interview Preparation

Additional AI Information

- AI Issues to be Aware of

- List of AI Tools