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Intro to College Reading & Study Skills: Books & eBooks

Library Catalog Activity

Using the WCTC Library Catalog, search for a print book on a topic of interest. The topic may be related to this course, such as time managment, goal setting or note taking, or it could be an area of personal interest, such as baseball, baking, gardening, classic automobiles, etc.

Once you find a book of interest in the catalog, complete the Library Catalog Form in the box below, and take the form into the library to find the book. Make sure to document the location, call number, and status, as this information is needed to find the book on the shelf.

Bring the book back to the Instruction Room. Put your name on the form. It will be turned in at the end of class.

Finding Books

WCTC Library Catalog:  Use to locate books, journal and magazine titles, and multimedia in the WCTC Library.  The WCTC Library uses the Library of Congress system to organize the library’s collection.  In the library, each item is labeled with a call number consisting of a combination of letters and numbers.  Example: HF5861 .M354.  The library’s materials are divided into several collections, including General Collection, Reference Collection, Career Collection, Social Issues, etc.

Using Basic Search

Enter words relating to your topic into the catalog search box. Use quotes to search phrases.  When you click on search, a list of items will appear.  Click on an individual item for more information.  Other search options are available, including Advanced Search and Course Reserve.

eBook Collection:  Use to access large collection of full-text electronic books available 24/7.